Election Day is Tuesday, June 22nd
See below for resources about locating your polling place, checking your registration, ranked-choice voting, and more!
Find Your Polling Site
Not sure where to vote? You can find information on your assigned polling site and hours of operation here.
Ranked Choice Voting
New York City will implement ranked-choice voting for the first time this year!
How does it work?
You can vote for your top five (5) candidates in order of preference. If a candidate receives more than 50% (50% + 1) of first-choice votes, they win!
If a candidate fails to meet the 50% threshold of first-choice votes, counting continues in “rounds.”
At the start of each round, the candidate with the fewest share of votes is eliminated. If your first choice candidate is eliminated, your vote goes to your second choice, repeating until one candidate has a majority of the votes.
Do I need to strategize?
We can’t emphasize this enough: don’t try to game Ranked Choice Voting. Simply vote for your favorite candidate (Art, obviously!) first, then rank your next 4 candidates in order of preference.
RCV is supposed to eliminate the age-old issue of, “I like Candidate X, but I should vote for Candidate Y because they’re more viable.” With RCV, you don’t have to make that choice. Vote for Candidate X first, then rank Candidate Y behind them. If X really isn’t viable, then your vote will count toward Y.
Check Your Voter Registration
Not sure if you’re registered to vote? Double check here!
Early Voting
Early voting will begin on June 12, 2021, and run through June 20, 2021.
Early voting locations may vary from your usual poll site. Be sure to confirm location and hours ahead of time.
Early Voting Hours:
Saturday, Jun 12 - 8am-5pm
Sunday, Jun 13 - 8am - 5pm
Monday, Jun 14 - 7am - 4pm
Tuesday, June 15 - 10am - 8pm
Wednesday, June 16 - 10am - 8pm
Thursday June 17 - 10am-8pm
Friday, June 18 - 7am - 4pm
Saturday, June 19 - 8am - 5pm
Sunday, June 20 - 8am - 4pm
REMEMBER: You must vote at your assigned early voting location.
Absentee & Vote By Mail
How to vote by mail:
In order to stay safe from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all New Yorkers are eligible to vote by mail.
Request your ballot online from the Board of Elections. If you’re voting absentee because of the pandemic, you can select “Temporary illness or disability” as the reason for your request.
Be sure to fill out your entire ballot, and seal it correctly. After you fill out your ballot with your ranked choices, put it in the enclosed oath envelope. Sign on the signature line of the oath envelope. The return envelope will be pre-addressed, but you do need to use your own postage. Alternatively, you can hand deliver your absentee ballot at any early voting or Election Day poll site.
Important dates when returning your absentee ballot:
Your ballot will likely arrive in the mail starting in the last week of May.
Absentee ballot requests are due June 15, 2021.
June 22nd is the last day to postmark your ballot. Absentee ballots must be received by the Board of Elections no later than June 29th, 2021.