Born in Jim Crow Atlanta to Korean immigrants and raised in an all-white district in Ohio, I know what it feels like to be different. That’s why I moved to New York City.
Who is Art Chang?
I faced racism outside the home and domestic violence behind closed doors. I left home at age 14, and later became Yale University’s second male Women’s Studies graduate. Thirty-five years ago, I moved to New York City with $400 in my pocket, lost everything in the failure of my first business, and then rebuilt my life with the support of the people of our city. I know how hard it is to break the cycles of social dysfunction. I know the trauma that a time of isolation, emotional distress, and desperation can inflict on people.
I’ve worked in every corner of our City government, at many of NYC's most treasured institutions.
I’m running for mayor because I think the problems NYC is facing are far more complex and intertwined than other candidates realize, and my background has taught me how to go about fixing them.
I built Queens West -- the LIC waterfront -- under Empire State Development. And because I built it with climate change in mind, it was one of only 2 waterfront developments to not lose power during Hurricane Sandy.
I started 12 small businesses in New York City.
I launched NYC's tech startup industry, then diversified its workforce by creating the largest onramp for CUNY students to the NYC tech community.
I built Casebook, the first web-based software platform for child welfare.
I’ve worked at the City Law Department, the Brooklyn Public Library, and was the first Asian-American appointed to the Campaign Finance Board.
I know this city: I’ve served under 4 Mayors and 2 Governors.
You know our famous "I Voted" stickers? I co-created NYC Votes to improve transparency in our democracy.
I know every detail about how our City works, and know how to make it work better for the people it's supposed to serve.

I entered the race for Mayor of NYC because I am alarmed by the extent and trajectory of New York City’s crises. I don’t believe I have all the answers; someone in this great City does. Together, we can create an equitable city where every one of us can thrive.
In today’s world, smart change means having a deep understanding of both technology and finance.
With an MBA in Finance from NYU, multiple start-ups under my belt, and brief experience in investment banking, I know how the system of capital works. I was in the proverbial garage of the birth of New York City’s Internet tech community in the 90s and have taken that private sector experience to work for the public good by expanding access to technology as an onramp to the American Dream.
Meet Me.
Art in Conversation. I’d love to meet you! Join Open Office Hours by clicking the button to the right. What would you like to change? What are your dreams for your job, your family, your community, for New York City? Ask me anything at my Open Office Hours